Saints Row Gat Out Of Hell Sucks
saints row gat out of hell sucks

saints row gat out of hell sucks

Great works like Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy” have cemented the popular notion of Hell, followed by countless more works both great and small. From Holy Scripture to novels, movies and even games we’ve had our share of heroes searching far and wide for a way to get out of (and sometimes back in to) some version of Hell. The subject of damnation, eternal or otherwise, is a serious matter. Then use the vacuum stomp to suck up all. This achievement is worth 50 Gamerscore.

Saints Row Gat Out Of Hell Sucks Free Download After

It honestly, really, really does. 'Let's Bounce' Trophy sucks. Play as either Johnny Gat or Kinzie Kensington as you tear apart Hell in a quest to save the leader of the Saints’ soul.Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell. Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Free Download After the space faring antics of Saints Row IV, many fans asked what we could do next the answer Shoot The Devil in the face.

Since you can’t customize your character (not that Johnny Gat can be improved in any way), you can play as either Gat or Kinzie and switch between them freely. It’s as deep a plot as you need – because now that you’re in Hell, all bets are off. The good went to heaven (where they await admittance for pretty much eternity) while everyone else went to Hell, to the bustling city of New Hades.The plot for Gat out of Hell is rather thin – it’s Kinzie’s birthday, a mystical Ouija board sucks the president in, Kinzie and Gat jump to the rescue. In fact, as Gat out of Hell’s opening cinematic sequences point out, Earth’s destruction was a blessing in disguise. You would think that after the Earth got destroyed there wouldn’t be much left to build a game around – but you couldn’t be farther from the truth. PSN: Repliforce.Saints Row: Gat out of Hell is a standalone expansion to 2013’s Saints Row IV.

If any of the above names don’t sound familiar to you, don’t worry – with each character introduced, the game will provide a bit of background to help you with their relation to the story.Characters and story aside, Gat out of Hell has the same gameplay we’ve seen in Saints Row IV – almost to a tee. You will also have a chance to meet Ultor’s deceased CEO Dane Vogel (who did not survive an encounter with the sidewalk in Saints Row 2), Troy, Dex and even God himself. Recruiting each of them will grant you a special power, to a total of four.

saints row gat out of hell sucks

In fact, mayhem is the main objective – the more you cause, the more you’ll be noticed by Satan and the faster you’ll save The Boss. Let’s just say they are unique, fun to use and absolutely over the top in some cases.Gat out of Hell is still a Saints Row game and as such, it’s a mayhem simulator first and foremost. Gluttony, Envy and all the others are represented in weaponized form and I won’t spoil them for you. Or the manifestation of greed, an SMG that turns fallen enemies into cash. How about frogs? Exploding ones, like bouncing bombs.

Obviously, your mileage may vary but I’d say that rushing to complete the game could result in a single-sitting playthrough.Gat out of Hell is a fun, bite-sized chunk of Saints Row. Out of those 6 hours I had the final mission available for at least 2 while I free-roamed and collected. I’ve died exactly once (and that was just to get a trophy for dying in lava), gathered all the collectibles and finished all the activities on gold rating. It took me just under 6 hours to complete the entire game a 100%, while playing on the hardest difficulty. It’s all demons and lost souls anyway, don’t feel bad about it.The only complaint I have in regards to this otherwise-excellent DLC is the length and difficulty. Mayhem can be caused in a variety of ways – from the familiar activities and distractions to just lounging on your chaingun-equipped armchair and mowing down everything in your path.

...saints row gat out of hell suckssaints row gat out of hell sucks